British Commonwealth

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My source about the stamps themselves comes from the 2012 edition of the Scott Stamp Catalogs.

My source for the map images is Google Maps, unless otherwise indicated below.

Country of Issue Stamp Description Country's Location
British Antarctic Territory These penguin stamps were issued in 1979. Information about the stamps comes from the aforementioned stamp catalog. The map on the right was found on the British Antarctic Territory Government website, on June 25, 2023,
British Indian Territory This stamp was issued in 1968, and it displays Aldabra Atoll and a sacred Ibis. Information about the stamps comes from the aforementioned stamp catalog. The map on the right was found on Wikipedia on June 25, 2023, the Wikipedia article is called Wikipedia British Indian Ocean Territory, and here is it's link
Canada I like maps. This stamp was issued in December of 1898. Interesting to see how large the British Empire was back then. Information about this stamp comes from the aforementioned stamp catalog.
Cape of Good Hope aka Cape Colony This pretty stamp was issued from 1855 - 1858. The Cape Colony is now part of the Republic of South Africa. Information about the stamps comes from the aforementioned stamp catalog. Information about the map on the right was found on Wikipedia on June 25, 2023, Cape Colony,

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